This was an old joke from my childhood. It goes like this:
"What annoys a noisy oyster most?"
Answer: "A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most".
Obviously you have to say it out loud for it to have any impact. And while we're on these kind of jokes, did you ever do the one about the most number of the same words in a row? OK, here it goes. Imagine the unlikely scenario that there are two boys in a class, one called "Had" and one called "Had Had" and both had submitted grammer excercises. Here goes:
"Had, while Had Had had had "had", had had "had had". "Had had" had had the teacher's approval."
Anyway - that's all a rather irritating, no doubt, preamble to me getting a couple of cycling things off my chest. Having been not biking for a couple of weeks, when I came back I was looking at the activity with fresh eyes. I was feeling very positive about it. And it surprised me somewhat to discover the things which started irritating me quickest. The two biggest and most immediate horrors were:
1) Motorists not indicating
2) Cars and motorbikes stopping at lights in "our" green box
I found myself getting very quickly annoyed, in spite of being in a fairly benign state. I know we all have whinges about cycling, but I think those are now top of my whinges.
So that's what annoys a noisy cyclist most. I suppose we should also be outward looking - I wonder what the top whinges for motorists are in their dealings with cyclists?
Note to self - why do I keep talking about "motorists" like I'm in some PG Wodehouse novel? I'm pretty sure this century we call them "cars".