Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Don't bother changing your cycle clothes - cycling tip du jour, Tuesday

Nicole Jackson at the office in her cycling clothes
Photograph: Martin Godwin/guardian.co.uk
Source - article about forgetting clothes

I've done this by mistake today, but quite like it. If you're not too stinky and not too wet from your ride into work, why not just keep your cycling clothes on all day? Today I had a few informal meetings and no-one seemed to mind my get-up. In fact it triggered off a few conversations about cycling and how we should set a work-place trend to wear cycling gear. Make all those people in smart clothes look out of place!

If nothing else, the impression you leave is that you're rather sporty. Useful for closing that deal?

The creators of this blog accept no liability in the event of employee dismissal, clients deciding to go with alternative offers, being laughed at during meetings, having noses held during workplace encounters, or generally any other ill effects associated with wearing of aforementioned clothes in the workplace.

But go on - give it a go. And tell us how you get on.


Ben said...

I find it quite comfy to stay in my cycling gear upon arrival at the office, provided, as you say, I'm not stinky or wet. Given that my ride isn't too arduous and only 4.5 miles, I'm usually "together" enough to stay in my cycling gear, although I suspect it's held as suspect to some of the uptight folk in the office!

Ben said...

I find it quite comfy to stay in my cycling gear upon arrival at the office, provided, as you say, I'm not stinky or wet. Given that my ride isn't too arduous and only 4.5 miles, I'm usually "together" enough to stay in my cycling gear, although I suspect it's held as suspect to some of the uptight folk in the office!